About Us

The Garden Club of Montclair maintains proud membership in these organizations:
Prince William Area Council of Garden Clubs
Gardening with Friends
The Garden Club of Montclair was organized in 1975 and initially met in each other’s homes led by the first President, Linda Garber. As more new homes were being constructed, the Club was often requested to participate in community landscaping projects in addition to beautifying their own homes.
During the early history of the Club, the primary emphasis was on floral design and arrangement, and perfecting a variety of skills associated with judging and staging flower shows. That focus has changed over the years to reflect our membership’s expanding interests in landscaping, gardening, horticulture, historic gardens, and environmental conservation.
Award Winning Traditions and Projects Throughout the Years:
Current Sponsor: PWC Montclair Fire Station #17 Garden
Current Sponsor: PWC Senior Day Care Center “Secret Garden”
Current Sponsor: Annual Montclair Perennial Plant Sale
Certificate of Merit for Garden Therapy and Civic Development
Founding Sponsor: Montclair Blue Star Memorial Garden
Lucille Droege Mauntel Certificate for Conservation
National Garden Clubs Publications Award for the Club newsletter The Garden Scoop
Past Volunteer Historic Garden Restorations: Ben Lomond Rose Garden and Rippon Lodge